Ignoble Trafic Animalier !!!

Ignoble Trafic Animalier !!!

Messagepar Le Fossa » Dimanche 21 Août 2005 12:15

C'est en Angliche, désolé:
http://www.smh.com.au/news/world/enough ... click=true

Enough endangered animals on the net to fill a zoo
By John Vidal
August 20, 2005

Thousands of endangered animals supposedly protected by law are being traded openly on the internet and sold as "exotic pets", say wildlife crime investigators working with an international animal charity.

An investigation of nearly 100 websites found a "shocking" selection of rare and endangered animals for sale. They included a hand-reared Siberian tiger for £40,000 ($95,000), an adolescent gorilla, £4500, advertised as being in London, and other rare primates, falcons, seahorses, and whole turtle shells.

One of the most expensive was a "sweet-natured" giraffe being sold for £9000 in the US. "He has never been bad tempered with me. A loving home is a must," the anonymous owner said.

The internet has revolutionised shopping for books, DVDs and airline tickets, but it has also opened up opportunities to deal in illegal wildlife which, according to the United Nations, now rivals the arms and drug trades in scale.

"Within one week we found over 9000 wild animal products and specimens, and wild animals for sale, predominantly from species protected by law," says the International Fund for Animal Welfarereport. "More than 100 traders were identified, each advertising an unnamed, unspecified number of items."

The range of live endangered animals for sale could have set up whole zoos, and the parts of dead animals found on the web would have stocked streets of Chinese pharmacies. "They included some of the world's most endangered species," the report says. "There were live Amazonian parrots, wild cats, a green turtle which the seller claimed was captured from a South-East Asian rainforest; even a live pet lion." In one week 146 live primates were found - some being advertised before they were even born. Commercial trade in any primate species is either prohibited or subject to strict controls.

The range of health products made from endangered animal body parts was also "alarming and seemingly unlimited", the report says.

The gorilla for sale in London may not have actually existed, said an International Fund for Animal Welfare spokeswoman. "Possibly it was a Congo-based operation which would capture an animal to order."

Guaranteed to be real, however, were the hawksbill turtle shells, shahtoosh shawls from the Tibetan antelope and taxidermy specimens of lions and peregrine falcons found, along with a stuffed polar bear billed as being Victorian but which looked suspiciously fresh.

Although thousands of species are in steep decline, quantity does not appear to be a problem for the sellers, who range from individuals hoping to make money on a one-off exotic pet to professional traders and companies who appeared to have access to a regular supply. One man selling elephant skin wallets claimed he could get more easily from his supplier in Thailand. Neither did the fact that it is illegal to trade in the species worry sellers. Many were unperturbed or unaware of the law.

The report mirrors others in Germany and elsewhere which suggest that wildlife trade over the internet is almost impossible to monitor.

Professor William Dutton, director of the Oxford Internet Institute at Oxford University, said: "Laws exist to stop the unlawful use of any communication medium, but governments and agencies need to communicate in order to address the activities that span the globe."

The Guardian
Le Fossa La priorité des Zoos: La conservation!
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Le Fossa
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Enregistré le: Mercredi 27 Juillet 2005 19:16

Messagepar Pedro » Dimanche 21 Août 2005 14:03

eh oui...et ça va mettre du temps avant que l'on puisse controler cela, si tant est qu'un jour on y arrive..c'est bien triste
Mister Groov'

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